78x46x58 This piece was inspired by a trip I took to Joshua Tree National Park. These rare trees live in a very unique environment, and are endangered due to climate change.

78x46x58 This piece was inspired by a trip I took to Joshua Tree National Park. These rare trees live in a very unique environment, and are endangered due to climate change.

7' tall x 4' wide x 3' deep Cast concrete and steel These stacked cast concrete wheels all have an axil but are welded and cast together so that they cannot move. Each wheels are cast in a material which is both heavy and brittle. The piece is about both the beauty of wheels and the immobility of these particular wheels.

9' tall x 4' wide x 3' deep Cast Concrete A contrast between the lightness and fragility of a flower and this cast concrete depiction of a wild flower growing along the roadside

When the fan turns it "cools" the water in the tank below. An absurd machine about a serious topic

118" tall x 40" x 50" Cast Concrete, Terra Cotta, Water, Steel, Copper Pipe, Electric Pump, Solar Panel. When I made this piece I was thinking about the waterfalls I'd seen when hiking in Arizona. This is a self sustaining sculpture in that the solar panel charges a battery which powers the pump. — in Woodstock, Vermont.

77" tall x 28" wide x 20" long Cast Concrete,Steel, Water, Copper Pipe, Electric Pump. This was the first in the series of cast concrete water sculpture I made.

80" tall x 50" wide x 30" long Cast Concrete, Terra Cotta, Steel, Water, Electric Pump. The celtic idea of the sacred well is the concept behind this piece. The water flow here is very internal you have to look into the cylinders to see it. The viewer hears the water before they can see it. — at Salem Art Works.

55" tall x 47" wide x 26" deep Cast Concrete and Found Objects. This piece revolves around the idea of contrasting the man made arc forms against the rock like cast concrete forms which hold it together.

12' tall x 5' wide x 3' deep Cast Concrete, Terra Cotta, Steel, Water, Copper Pipe, Electric Pump. The Red Rocks sculptures are an example of the idea of "false nature". In other words a mechanical representation of a natural place of event. — at Bennington Museum.

These 2 pieces are examples of pieces in which I used different methods of casting to explore the potential of surface texture and color.

Cast Concrete, Steel, Water, Copper Pipe, Electric Pump. This piece is installed at the Highland Hall Garden in North Bennington Vt.
This page contains examples of Cast Concrete sculpture I have done over the past 5 years. To my mind there is quite a bit of consistency between this work and the previous "Sculpture Systems" series. That being water running down troughs and thru vessels.In this outdoor work there is much less kinetic activity but similarity also in terms of structure.
One of the things I love about working this way is the spontaneity of the process. When casting into the forms there is no way of really knowing how result will look. Opening the molds is like Christmas morning when you were a kid.